Jeremiah Campana | My Testimonial | Anatomy of the Church and State #4

Anatomy of the Church and State

Anatomy of the Church and State

Episode 4 Why This Mission?

Why is some random guy from Ohio taking on the mission of spotlighting outspoken church leaders and freedom fighters of faith? Well, let me tell you. 

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Topic Timeline

Why I'm doing this 1:20

How I got here 1:55

Red pilled 3:36

Near death experience 5:50

New creation 8:00

Why a podcast? 9:19

God hates evil 10:55

Psalms 5 12:43

Psalms 139 13:43

Staying silent 14:45

Being peaceful but not quiet 15:10

Pastors need to step up 4:06

Navigating the journey 17:27

We are Ceasar 20:23

Where to find me 21:05