Rabbi Yehoshua Danese | Gender Insanity | Anatomy of the Church and State #6

Anatomy of the Church and State

Anatomy of the Church and State

Episode 6: Rabbi Yehoshua Danese

Rabbi Yehoshua (Joshua) Danese joins me to discuss his battle against the left to get his plays shown to live audiences, how he went from secular to Orthodox in his practice of faith, the insanity of gender ideology, and what government looks like in Orthodox Jewish communities and why the left is coming after them now. 

Joshua Danese, was an idealistic playwright, actor, director and producer in New York in the 1980's. Upon his writing a play about observant Jews, he ended up becoming one, moving to Brooklyn, NY, entering Yeshiva at the age of 29.

As a Rabbi, over the years, Joshua has taught thousands of young men all aspects of their faith. He has written for Hamodia Magazine, an Orthodox Jewish publication, has written the book The Path of Life, a book which concerns ethical instruction, and safety books for children.  

After a 30 year absence from theatre, Joshua started writing again. His plays are conservative, politically incorrect and mocking all things leftist and wokish.His full length play, That Poor Trapped Man, will be performed by Stage Right this coming May 12-14th 2023.

BUY tickets here: https://www.stagert.org/upcoming-productions

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Topic Timeline

From secular to Orthadox 2:52

Failure, Truth, and Plays 7:15

Hashem 9:52

Return to writing again 13:50

Has theatre always been Left? 17:10

Leftists killed theatre 19:10

Politically incorrect play cancelled 20:35

God and gender 22:23

Abortion is murder 26:17

Using plays to manipulate 29:50

Can Conservatives stage plays in NYC? 34:38

Need parallel economy in theatre 38:00

Saul Alinsky destruction 40:01

Push them over 42:30

They're liars 44:23

War against God 45:54

Tower of Babel first government? 46:55

Globalists war on God 49:50

Moses was first attempt at government 50:05

Biblical government was reactive not proactive 52:19

Should there be a king? 53:40

Police and crime 56:55

False flags 59:22

Is ancient times government possible today? 1:00:21

Attacking self sufficiency 1:05:47

They want your children 1:09:01

Guest closing remarks 1:09:40

Closing Psalm and prayer 1:11:28