Floyd Brown | Counterpunch The Deep State | Anatomy of the Church and State #34

Anatomy of the Church and State

Anatomy of the Church and State

Episode 34 With Floyd Brown

Floyd Brown joins the show to discuss the topics of his book 'Counterpunch 'An Unlikely Alliance of Americans Fighting Back for Faith and Freedom. We deep dive on the growth of the deep state and its connection to the elimination of Christianity from politics and culture, including some deep state tentacles Christians might be overlooking as a threat. It’s time for Christians to take action and counterpunch against the destruction of America!

Floyd is a speaker, and media commentator. He is former CEO of USA Radio Network and founder of the Western Journal news website. He’s worked for both former president Regan and Sen Bob Dole and is the author of the book CounterPunch: An Unlikely Alliance of Americans Fighting Back for Faith and Freedom.


X: @floydbrown




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Topic Timeline

00:00  Introduction to the Podcast and Guest Introduction

02:08  Personal Faith and Relationship with Jesus

04:31  The Importance of Living Out Faith Beyond Sunday

05:41  The Separation of Church and Culture

06:40  Checking the Boxes

09:15  Motivation Behind Writing the Book "Counterpunch"

12:00  Work as Worship

13:41  The Importance of Christians Voting and Being Involved in Politics

16:35  Self Governing Not State Governing

20:20  The Growth of the Deep State 

 23:22  Debt Slaves and Get Rich Wars                                                             

26:11 The Influence of the Media, Health, Pharma Complexes, Covid Billionaires        

30:01  The Internet and Porn with Government Protection

33:30  Christian Politicians targeted for Sin in DC

37:10  Stewards of our Own Hearts                                               

40:15  Importance of Reading the Bible 

43:01  Evolution and Design of Nature

44:41  Respecting Borders and Countering Global Empires

47:20  Christians Broke Up the Global Empires and Don't Want Them

50:32  Top Five Counterpunches

52:48  Taking Action in Small Ways

54:15  Getting Involved Locally

55:29  Starting a Counterpunch Group

57:20  Guest Closing Remarks    

58:42  Prayer for Guidance and Restoration